Survey to measure effect of illness perceptions on caregivers

May 10, 2023
Researchers at the University at Albany, SUNY, are seeking volunteers for a research study to understand the experiences of caregivers for individuals with chronic symptoms. They are conducting a survey to understand how caregivers think about the illness they are caring for. The goal of the study is to understand what factors should be considered when supporting caregivers.

Participants must be: 
  • Over the age of 18
  • Currently caring for an individual with chronic symptoms

After completing the consent form and screening questions, participants will be directed to an online survey. Participants may skip any questions they do not feel comfortable with answering at any time. Participation in this survey is completely voluntary. Study participation will take approximately 20 minutes. 

Surveys will be completed anonymously and researchers will be blind to the identities of participants who complete the survey online. Any contact information and identifiable information will not be collected. As such, research staff will be unable to connect your data with you. Data will be stored on a password protected online server at the University at Albany.

All information obtained in this study is strictly confidential unless disclosure is required by law. In addition, the Institutional Review Board, the sponsor of the study, and University or government officials responsible for monitoring this study may inspect these records.

To participate, visit

For more information, contact Darren Winograd at

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