MS Focus Lending Library

There is a great deal of helpful and inspirational material about MS available today. At MS Focus, we understand that not everyone has access to the wide range of resources out there. That is why we maintain a Lending Library, where books, DVDs, and CDs are all available for loan -- at no charge to you -- through the mail. Items can be sent across the United States, so, no matter where you live, you can benefit from these materials.

You may request as many items for loan as you wish. Requested materials will be sent one item at a time.  When a returned item is received by MS Focus, the next requested item will be mailed to you, if available.  Some items may have a waiting list. To verify availability of an item, call 888-MSFocus (673-6287) or email


Gentle Yoga (DVD)

Stacie Dooreck
Gentle Yoga DVD includes:

Balance Hormones Naturally

Nutrition experts show you how to treat: premenstrual tension and depression; infertility; menopause problems; breast lumps and cancer; ovarian cys...

The Fearless Caregiver

This book clearly defines your vital role in developing your loved one's care plan. It teaches you to deal successfully with managed care organizat...

MS Coffee Table Quotes

J & J Conley
Words have shaped our society and we continue to allow them to do so. Jennise and Jillian Conley's Multiple Sclerosis Coffee Table Quotes is a sens...

Way Of The Peaceful Warrior

This international bestseller conveys piercing truths and humorous wisdom, speaking directly to the universal quest for happiness.

MS and Your Feelings

Allison Shadday, LCSW
A book on managing the emotional impact of MS. Addresses specific psychological challenges and provides in-depth questionnaires and practical

Real Yoga for MS (DVD)

Chuck Burmeister
A gentle Yoga practice designed for people with Multiple Sclerosis, also suitable for those living with most any disability, injury, illness, or co...

E-Motion Picture Magic

Wolz, Birgit
A Movie Lover's guide to healing and transformation.

The MS Recovery Diet

Ann D Sawyer and Judith E Bachrach
Take control of your diet, change what you eat and live symptom-free.

The Core Program

Peggy Brill is a physical therapist who has created just such an exercise program. The Core Program offers numerous ways to improve deep muscle str...
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