MS Focus Lending Library

There is a great deal of helpful and inspirational material about MS available today. At MS Focus, we understand that not everyone has access to the wide range of resources out there. That is why we maintain a Lending Library, where books, DVDs, and CDs are all available for loan -- at no charge to you -- through the mail. Items can be sent across the United States, so, no matter where you live, you can benefit from these materials.

You may request as many items for loan as you wish. Requested materials will be sent one item at a time.  When a returned item is received by MS Focus, the next requested item will be mailed to you, if available.  Some items may have a waiting list. To verify availability of an item, call 888-MSFocus (673-6287) or email


Discovering Chi

Linda Modaro
Not Available

A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Wookbook

Bob Stahl & Elisha Goldstein, PhD
Stress and pain are nearly unavoidable in our daily lives; they are part of the human condition. This stress can often leave us feeling irritable, ...

MS Natrual Remedies

Healthy Body Books
This book is action packed full of great idea’s to help you start managing your Multiple Sclerosis today including, what is Multiple Sclerosis?, ...

Changing Attitudes About Disability

Not Available

Cookbook For Healthful Living

Bradford, Novak
A detailed cookbook for people with compromised immune system disorders. (1990)

Why People Don't Heal

Not Available

Relaxation with Shelley Sidelman

Shelley Sidelman
part of "Yogability and You" series

Food Allergy Relief

Braly, Dr. James
In Food Allergy Relief, noted food allergy expert Dr. James Braly alleviates the fears and misconceptions surrounding food allergies and shows why ...

When I Walk

Jason Dasilva

Life Continues (Facing Challenges of MS< Menopause and Midlife)

Carmen Ambrosio
Ambrosio's narrative of compelling and humorous personal essays and poems.
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